Kami Connect Speaker Sessions | Oliver Tingling

Hey, we’re all busy—that’s an understatement—and sometimes we struggle with finding the support or resources we need to break away from traditional teaching methods and add new tech into our day-to-day.

So I’m going to break things down and take you through the different ways you can use Kami tools to create a positive and engaging learning environment – near or far. These tools will absolutely change the game for how you teach, and how your students learn.

Digital whiteboarding with Kami

Now, I don’t know about you, but saving notes from the board for the next day has always been a great mystery for me! 

When I write these notes, I either run out of space or erase everything before students at home have a chance to catch the important stuff. Using the tools and features within Kami to digitally capture my whiteboarding has completely solved all this. 

Opening a blank page or grade page (for math teachers) in Kami is the exact same as pulling up a whiteboard. It’s an absolute game-changer as it automatically stores all notes and annotations. Using Kami has helped me keep everything throughout the year, meaning my students can review a whole year’s worth of content at any time.

Make those worksheets digital

Now what’s so awesome about making your worksheets digital is the fact you can splice and dice screenshots from a bunch of existing exercises to create one new super worksheet.   

You can then annotate all over it, say you want to highlight certain aspects or themes, and use the shape tools to recreate formulas. Once you’ve created examples, just leave a bit of space for your students to complete their work. 

You also have the power to embed videos from YouTube, so if students do need that extra guidance, they can refer to specific videos you want them to watch. And just like that, you’ve made it easier for them to comprehend and find greater success in completing the homework assignment!

Bye-bye printing problems

Somehow I always seem to find myself in predicaments with printers. It’s always when I’m late for class, I’ve just found a mistake halfway through printing or I’ve just straight up forgotten to print something 🤦🏾‍♂️

We’ve all been there, but I’m here to help you say goodbye to these nightmares with my favorite Kami tool… Split and Merge. 

This fantastic tool allows you to combine, add, delete, and rearrange multiple documents – turning them into one copy. Yes, that’s right, friends – with Kami you can say goodbye to the photocopier, forever!

Grading just got an upgrade

If you’re anything like me, you’ll dread grading assignments. No one wants to haul big stacks of paper home and spend their weekend filing through them all. And after a few hours, it’s hard to give student #46 the same quality feedback as student #1. 

By using Kami with your LMS, this is now a problem of the past!

My favorite example of this is when I grade my quizzes through Kami – I like to leave voice, video, or screen capture comments for my kids. It’s especially helpful for students who really need to hear or see what was missing in their problem. 

It also allows for teachers and students to have a dialog in real-time. But get this, you can use Kami’s Speech-to-Text Tool so you don’t even have to type anything up!

As if that wasn’t enough, you can also use the Annotation Bank when grading, to save yourself valuable time, while still providing rich feedback to each and every student. The Annotation Bank allows you to save almost any type of annotation (including voice and video comments!) and then drag-and-drop these onto any student assignment.

Creating positivity and compassion

As you get to the end of this blog, I want to reflect on why we are all here. We are here to create a positive and compassionate environment for all Learners – and this starts with us! Having a positive mindset to embrace all of these new methods is very important. You want to have buy-in from your students, but you have to keep an open mind as well.

Kami and the cool tools I’ve talked about are just a few ways we can create engaging and fun learning experiences within our classrooms, especially as we go back to in-person learning:

  • You can build better relationships with your students by improving communications between teacher and student
  • We are doing our part to save the environment by reducing the amount of paper and ink we use
  • Teachers and students are not losing their documents
  • We can all collaborate safely with Kami’s LMS integrations


Thank you all for reading this blog (I know how precious your time is!) and good luck building your best Kami classroom.


Slides:  kami.app/build-your-best-kami-classroom

Speaker: A math genius and Kami Hero, Oliver has taught transitional math, algebra, and college statistics to middle and high school students.  He is also the Founder of a tutoring business where he shares how Kami is a game-changer. 

Twitter: @SharksOnline


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