The Importance of Emotional Check-ins for Elementary Students

Two speech bubbles, one with a heart and one with a scribbled texture

Hey, how are you?  It’s a simple question, but it can lead to some great conversations and sometimes the discovery that someone isn’t feeling so flash and maybe needs some help. So do you ask that question in your class each day? Health – both physical and mental – has a huge impact on a […]

Emotional Check-in Resources

Happy icon and sad icon

You probably regularly check your student’s understanding of their learning. Remembered the times table? Check. Grasped that grammar concept? Check. Can tell you what happened in a period of history? Check.  But how often do you check in with your student’s emotional status? Monitoring how your students are feeling is just as important as checking […]

Anti Bullying Activities

Anti bullying activities

Why teach elementary school children about bullying? The best way to combat bullying is to educate, engage, and inspire children about the topic of bullying and bullying prevention. Have a read of our other blog on Anti Bullying Lesson Plans. Children should be able to: What can we do to stop bullying? Firstly it is […]

How to Use SMART Goals for Your Students

Smart goals examples for students

What is a good goal for a student? What does the SMART acronym stand for? What are good examples of SMART goals? A good SMART goal would cover all of the above criteria. A SMART goal is the practice of goal setting with a specific goal that is attainable within a prescribed time period and […]

Anti-Bullying Lesson Ideas for Elementary Classes

According to the National Center for Educational Statistics (NCES), one out of every five students reports being the victim of bullying behavior. Deep into the digital age, perpetrators now have a powerful platform from which to bully their victims, with the added “advantage” of anonymity. According to a 2020 study, over 20% of 9 to […]

Creating a Positive School Culture

Positive school culture_Blog

School administrators strive to create a positive school culture where students, teachers, and staff can thrive. When teachers and students arrive at school in the morning, they should feel positive, enthusiastic, and willing to connect, learn, and grow. Schools that successfully create a positive culture will have laughter echoing down the hallways, enthused and engaged […]

Women’s History Month

History often neglects to tell the stories of women who, if they were men, would be celebrated household names. National Women’s History Month is a time to reflect on the amazing women who’ve made a difference in the world and learn about their incredible achievements. Women’s history is, for obvious reasons, as old as time […]

Boost Your Students’ Reading Skills with Phonological Awareness Activities

A text box with abc in it

Phonological awareness is the first step in learning about words and sounds and is crucial for developing good literacy skills. Most children develop phonological awareness skills from birth through the first five years. The most complex stage is phonemic awareness skills which are the ability to hear individual letter sounds and use them to form […]

Phonemic Awareness Activities for Reading and Writing

2 speech bubbles - one says Cat and the other says Hat

If you teach pre-K, kindergarten, or first grade, you probably spend a lot of time chatting with your students. Spoken words are the first experience of language and communication in early childhood. Phonological and phonemic awareness — the ability to recognize word and letter sounds — are important stages in developing better literacy skills. Struggling […]

Character Education Activities for Middle School

Character education activities for middle school

You’ve arrived. You read “What is Character Education?” and you’ve checked out “Examples of Character Education.” now you’re looking for some activities you can implement in your character education lesson plans. Alongside literacy, mathematics, language arts, and social studies, teaching social skills is one of the most foundational things we can be teaching our middle […]

Warm-Up Activities for High School Classes

Keeping your high school learners’ attention can feel like a challenge at times. Especially if you’re teaching during the warmer months and your class happens to be straight after lunchtime!If you haven’t already, check out our blog on middle-school warm-up activities for a good place to start. If you’re after something a little more advanced, […]

Warm-Up Activities for Middle School

Warm up activities for middle school

Learning is hard. Teaching can be even more so. Middle school students can be easily distracted or struggle with going back to school after a long summer vacation. The value of warming up is well-known throughout the sporting world. Cold muscles don’t perform as well, and they’re more prone to injury. Don’t forget, the brain […]