Have you tried out Kami’s stickers yet? We are still buzzing from the release of our latest feature (and possibly the most fun yet) to the Kami toolbar. We wanted to give you a little bit more insight into how the stickers work and why they were top of our list for implementation this back to school.

How can you access the Kami stickers?

Adding stickers to your Kami document is super easy, and there is a range of designs to pick from. Simply:

  1. Click the Image button on your toolbar.
  2. Select the Stickers option from the drop-down menu (the smiley face icon).
  3. Click on the sticker you want.
  4. Drag and drop it to the location you want on your document.

Bonus tip: Once your stickers are in place you can use the normal image manipulation tools to rotate and resize to suit your purpose. 

Why Kami stickers?

We know how fond our education community is of expressing themselves visually (hello Bitmoji), and frankly, we have always wanted to get creative with Kami the dog. 

The desire for more creative expression matched perfectly with the growing needs of teachers around the world to deliver fast yet effective feedback to their students. We know from our community that empathetic and informative feedback is the backbone of learning, particularly in an online or hybrid scenario. So what better way to help enable smooth and efficient student and teacher communication and collaboration than a quick and easy range of feedback stickers to cheer students along in their efforts?

Our graphic designers worked hard to develop a range of stickers based on educators’ needs – so hopefully you have a sticker for every occasion!  

How have teachers been using them?

Fortunately, our sticker enthusiasm seems to have taken off in our community, and educators have been having great fun introducing stickers into their feedback for their students. Here are some of our favorite examples:

“Love this! ❤ My summer school kids loved it when I put stickers on their Kami Google assignments” – Tina Peck , FB Community 

“Using the new #Kami stickers to comment while correcting papers of my middle schoolers. Loving this new addition to an already extremely helpful app. @usekamiapp #distancelearning #onlineexams” – @vibhapuri, twitter 

“This is such a great feature!! How fun!! ” @aubrey22, via twitter 

“SO EXCITED!” @DeLorenzoUTMS, via Twiter 

“So many great takeaways. I want to watch it all over again, there was so much great info. I love that I can modify pages and add in videos. The stickers are fun too, my middle schoolers love stickers. Thanks @EsteeEducates” – @mrspetillo, via twitter

“My students love Kami. They can edit a document, add equations, shapes upload their own documents. My favourite part is you can video comment back and put stickers on their paper. Become Kami Certified. Best couple of hours spent this year” – Lynn Anne via FB Community group 

“I love the Split and Merge Tool! Easy to use, and efficient! I teach ELA 3rd grade and my students are becoming pros at using Kami! I love adding stickers to their work and leaving video feedback! I downloaded some of my favourite Bitmoji’s as JPEGS so I can use those as well, on their work! 🙂”  – Dana Burk McLain via FB Community Group

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