See the latest releases and changes we’ve rolled out this month

Assessment Mode for Canvas and Schoology

Create, hold, and manage assessments like never before with Kami’s Assessment Mode. This new feature lets you set up Kami assignments with a due date, live timer, and auto-submission functionality.

Students can hit the Submit button whenever they have finished their work – but once the due date is reached, Kami will automatically send all your students’ work back to you. We’ll also let the students know when this happens, before redirecting them to the main Kami dashboard.

After leaving feedback and grading in Kami, you can choose to return work individually or all at once. The Return All button will make things super simple all the way through.

Try out Assessment Mode for easy, fuss-free, and excuse-free work routines – now available in beta for Kami and Canvas or Schoology LTI users. Google Classroom is coming soon!

Read our Help Center article to learn more, or watch our tutorial video below.


Spell Check toggle in Feature Control

No spell checking, no problem! After releasing Assessment Mode, we added Spell Check to the features you can turn on/off via Feature Control.

But what if they have the Grammarly extension?
No worries; we also disable this extension for students if you have Spell Check turned off.


Kami Library enhancements

Better search functions, more free templates, and general usability improvements are just a few bits of newness at the Kami Library.

On your next visit, check out our Featured Templates and look for template description tags. These tags are interactive, so click away if you ever want to see other templates with the same label!

We’ve also made it easier for users to access the Kami Library inside the app.
Explore from Trending Templates on the dashboard, Open File dropdown on the menu bar, or the Add Page button at the bottom of your Kami page.

Have any template requests? Tell us what you want to see next by filling out this short form.


Other news
  • Graphic Organizers are now located in the Add Media tool.
  • Find profile and license type badges inside the Profile dropdown.
  • Insert HEIC file images through the Add Media tool.
  • Share your Kami documents using a QR code.
  • Edit grade totals in our Kami and Schoology LTI anytime, not just in the beginning.