
Assessments for English Language Arts in 5th grade

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Cornell Notes | Lined

Simple, practical, and easy to use - our Cornell Notes Lined template is going to help your students take their notes to the next level. Students often find it difficult to visualize structure while they are writing, so we have made this lined template available that includes a vertical line down the left side of the page. This allows your students to write their notes in conventional order and review their structure of them at any time.

Cornell Notes | Blank

Simple, practical, and easy to use - our Cornell Notes Blank template is going to help your students take their notes to the next level. Students often find it difficult to visualize structure while they are writing, so we have made this blank template available that includes a vertical line down the left side of the page. This allows your students to write their notes in conventional order and review their structure of them at any time.

A practice resource for Texas STAAR with a range of tools to test with.

Texas STAAR Practice Resource

Elevate STAAR prep with our practice resource, featuring inline questions, hot spots, equations, and more. *Question Tool available with our Google Classroom integration.

A template for building a grid with a 3 page layout.

Building a Grid Template

Use the Grid Method to create a student-centered, competency-based framework for any subject.

A cornell notes template for essay writing with a purple design

Cornell Notes | Purple

This template encourages active listening and critical thinking, allowing students to engage with the material and better comprehend complex ideas.

A cornell notes template for essays with a dark purple blank design

Cornell Notes | Dark Purple Lined Blank

This template encourages active listening and critical thinking, allowing students to engage with the material and better comprehend complex ideas.

A cornell notes template for essay outlines and writing with a three sections design

Cornell Notes | Three Sections

This template encourages active listening and critical thinking, allowing students to engage with the material and better comprehend complex ideas.

A peel essay outline for writing with a purple theme.

P.E.E.L Essay Outline | Purple

P.E.E.L essay outline is a useful tool for students to structure their writing. With this framework, students can write clear and concise essays that effectively convey their ideas.

A cornell notes template for essay writing with a lined template

Cornell Notes | Three Sections Lined Blank

This template encourages active listening and critical thinking, allowing students to engage with the material and better comprehend complex ideas.

Exam Revision Template | Landscape

Gear up for success with our comprehensive Exam Revision Template! This three-page tool empowers students to organize notes, create study schedules, and practice sample questions for ultimate exam preparedness.

A cornell notes outline for essay writing with a three sections blank design

Cornell Notes | Three Sections Blank

This template encourages active listening and critical thinking, allowing students to engage with the material and better comprehend complex ideas.

A rubric template for marking with a landscape design.

Rubric Scoring Template | Landscape

Craft your own assessment plan with this customizable blank rubric template.

Cornell Notes | Gelinieerd

Eenvoudig, praktisch en gemakkelijk te gebruiken: onze gelinieerde Cornell Notes-sjabloon helpt uw ​​leerlingen hun aantekeningen naar een hoger niveau te brengen. Studenten vinden het vaak moeilijk om de structuur te visualiseren terwijl ze schrijven, daarom hebben we dit gelinieerde sjabloon beschikbaar gemaakt met een verticale lijn langs de linkerkant van de pagina. Hierdoor kunnen uw leerlingen gemakkelijk notities maken aan de linkerkant.

Exam Revision Template | Portrait

Gear up for success with our comprehensive Exam Revision Template! This three-page tool empowers students to organize notes, create study schedules, and practice sample questions for ultimate exam preparedness.

Texas STAAR Practice Resource | Blank

Elevate STAAR prep with our practice resource, featuring inline questions, hot spots, equations, and more.

A cornell notes for high school students with a dark purple lined design

Cornell Notes | Dark Purple Lined

This template encourages active listening and critical thinking, allowing students to engage with the material and better comprehend complex ideas.