Empowering teachers and engaging students

Improve processes, meet accessibility needs, and transform learning for students of any grade
or subject, whether in the classroom, throughout
a school, or across an entire district.

For all educators


Explore how Kami help simplify workflows, and save you 7.8 hours a week.

SPED teachers

Explore accessible solutions for inclusive classrooms

Academic leaders

Explore solutions for more efficient workflows and enhanced learning.

Technology leaders

Explore time-saving features and integrations that boost engagement.


Explore how Kami help simplify workflows, and save X hours a week.

SPED teachers

Explore accessible solutions for inclusive classrooms

Academic leaders

Explore solutions for more efficient workflows and enhanced learning.

Technology leader

Explore time-saving features and integrations that boost engagement.

For all subjects

Reading and writing

Turn static texts into interactive docs with accessibility supports. Students can write with a stylus, text box, or their voice.

Learning English

Use the Multilingual Dictionary for definitions and word class.
ELL Students can use Read Aloud to hear correct pronunciations.

STEM subjects

Record video demos or insert instructional YouTube clips.
Students can type using mathematical notation.

Solutions for every learning moment

The classroom and beyond

Create engaging and accessible lessons anytime, anywhere.

Assessments and grading

Simplify assessment creation, distribution, and grading.

Monitoring and feedback

Keep an eye on student progress and provide real-time feedback.


Foster collaboration and empower student voice and choice.


Make learning inclusive and engaging for all students.

Enhance resources

Remix and revitalize resources with multimedia annotation options.

The classroom and beyond

Create engaging and accessible lessons anytime, anywhere.

Assessments and grading

Simplify assessment creation, distribution, and grading.

Monitoring and feedback

Keep an eye on student progress and provide real-time feedback.


Foster collaboration and empower student voice and choice.


Make learning inclusive and engaging for all students.

Enhance resources

Track, feedback, and grade in Class View, and guide student’s success with real-time insights.

Start empowering students today

Don’t just take our word for it...

Kaya Jones
Kaya JonesGifted & Talented Specialist
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Kami has been a game changer for my students. I feel that Kami allows each one of my students to have a voice in the classroom.
Lisa Bump Meschutt
Lisa Bump MeschuttScience Teacher
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It's a game changer! There's almost nothing I can't do in Kami, and I use it every single day!
Jamie Ellman
Jamie EllmanAdjunct Professor
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If you aren't using Kami with your students right now, you need to get it ASAP. This tech tool has been completely life changing. It's all my students use to do their work!
Lilly Jensby
Lilly JensbyDigital Learning Specialist
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Kami has been an invaluable tool to help teachers in our district respond to student needs.
Amber Moenning
Amber MoenningELAR Special Education Teacher
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Kami has opened accessibility doors in the classroom! With Kami, it is so much easier to have one assignment that all my students can do.

Trusted by 40 million teachers + students