From PDF annotation to AI-powered assessment, deliver accessible learning for all
Get more out of your LMS with Kami
Turn static resources into engaging content with all the annotation tools you and your students need.
Free up your valuable time with LMS integrations, AI-powered assessment and auto-grading.
Gain clear insights into student progress for timely support and improved outcomes.
Turn static resources into seriously engaging content that works for everyone.
Free up your valuable time so you can spend it where you know it’s needed most.
Gain clear and actionable insights to support each student’s success in real time.
Kami is designed with accessibility in mind, so every student is empowered to learn. Because when everyone’s on Kami, everyone’s included.
In the time it took you to read this, you’d have an assessment ready for your students, thanks to Questions AI. Now you can drink your coffee while it’s hot.
Insights and time-saving, the duo we all need. Class View lets you grade multiple assignments at the same time, while providing key insights on your class’ performance.
Simplified, streamlined, seamless integration. However you say it, Kami is friends with your favourite LMS.
*Results from the Kami Teacher Survey 2023
Explore how Kami can simplify grading, cut down your admin and save you 7.8 hours a week, what a treat.
Learn moreClassrooms deserve uncompromised access to tools and solutions, to unlock every student’s potential.
Learn moreMore efficient workflows, improving learning outcomes, saving your teachers time, and other words that bring music to your ears.
Learn moreExplore the trusted and fully-integrated features that have helped over 40 million teachers and students save time and boost engagement.
Learn more“Kami has been an invaluable tool to help teachers in our district respond to students needs”
Digital Learning Specialist
“Kami has opened accessibility doors in the classroom! Making assignments more inclusive for all my students.”
ELAR Special Education Teacher
“Kami has been a game changer for my students. I feel that Kami allows each one of my students to have a voice in the classroom.”
Gifted & Talented Specialist
“It’s a game changer! There’s almost nothing I can’t do in Kami, and I use it every single day!”
Science Teacher
“You need to start using Kami ASAP. It has been life changing, becoming the only tool my students use for their work!”
Adjunct Professor
Join our community of passionate teachers who’ve chosen Kami to power their classrooms and empower their students.
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