5 Tech Tools to use With Kami

5 Tech Tools to Use with Kami

“Tech” in the classroom If you’re reading this, chances are you’re a teacher. But, before you were a teacher, in times of yore, you were also probably a student. It’s plain to see that classrooms have changed quite a bit since “the old days”. Blackboards and chalk are gone, overhead projectors sit in storage, and […]

Benefits of Personalized Instruction

Graphic showing 3 elements - 2 speech bubbles and one patterned circle

Personalized instruction, sometimes called Personalized learning, is a powerful new approach to education. It emphasizes students’ autonomy in their own education. It lets them choose what they learn, and at what pace. It’s a well-documented approach to education that is picking up momentum around the world. This approach is complemented by a similar approach called […]

Audio and Accessibility in the Classroom

Image showing Kami app using voice comments

Teaching has always been a balance between implementing new technology and respecting tried and tested traditional education tools. In a world where it seems a new device is invented every eight hours, this balance is becoming even more difficult to navigate. This is also a component in the Universal Design for Learning that we discuss […]

Kami: A STEM-tastic Tool!

Blog_Kami a STEMtastic Tool

Kami Connect Speaker Sessions | Lilly Jensby I’m a firm believer in encouraging students to develop a sustained interest in STEM fields from an early age. So we’re going to take a look into how Kami can enhance the learning experience for students, particularly in the areas of science, technology, engineering, and math! Our goal […]

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