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An Educator’s Journey with Kami
For veteran educator Laurel Aguilar-Kirchhoff, the path to edtech innovation began with a chance encounter. "I first came across Kami at a Q conference. Their booth caught my attention—it was fun and sparkly, with live demos on big screens. This was pre-pandemic, so I saw it as an annotation tool but didn't explore its potential…
Jan 25
4 min read

Reshaping Digital Learning in the Northwest
Educators know that bringing technology into the classroom isn't just about picking the latest tools. It's about building an ecosystem that truly empowers both teachers and their students to succeed. Through careful alignment with district goals and strategic professional development, educators in the Northwest ISD have discovered how digital tools can transform learning in meaningful…
Dec 24
4 min read

A new chapter of growth for Kami
We’re thrilled to announce that Kami is entering a new chapter of growth! Boston Ventures Investment Partners (BVIP) has made a significant investment in Kami, turbocharging our mission to bring Kami to every classroom worldwide. We’ve found an ideal partner in BVIP, who has a proven track record of helping innovators like us scale while…
Aug 24
2 min read

#ClearTheList: Transform Classrooms with Amazon Wishlist Clearing
In the heart of every classroom, there's a teacher who dreams of providing the best learning experience for their students. Yet, many teachers need more resources to make this dream come true. We’re not talking about Xboxes, iPads, and 4K TVs, but the essentials that make a classroom feel inviting and exciting. Many teachers spend…
Jul 24
3 min read

5 Unexpected Lessons From the Classroom
By Marcus SteinReflecting on my years as an English teacher, I'm struck by the unexpected lessons that teaching has gifted me. It wasn't just about imparting knowledge of Shakespeare and grammar rules; teaching was a journey that transformed me in ways I could have never anticipated. Here are five of those unexpected lessons.Parent buy-in helps…
Mar 24
3 min read

5 Tips for Increasing Engagement in Your Classroom
By Marcus SteinEvery educator has their little tips and tricks, often passed down to them from wiser, more experienced teachers who’ve taken them under their wings. Personally, some of the most meaningful insights I’ve gained throughout the years have centered around student engagement. So, in the spirit of paying it forward, here are my five…
Mar 24
3 min read

Diwali | The Festival of Lights
Written by Kami Hero Sanchita Ghosh, Head of History Department at Sanskriti School, New Delhi, India. Diwali (or Deepavali) is one of the biggest festivals in India. Even though it has its origins in the practices of the Hindu religion, several religious communities participate in the festivities with equal vigor today! It’s a festival of…
Oct 23
4 min read

Interactive Activities to Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month
Buscas esto en espaňol, lo puedes encontra aqui. National Hispanic Heritage Month is upon us and you’re probably here searching for a way you can celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month. The good news is, you’ve already started! Odds are, there’s already a lot more Hispanic culture around you than you realized. Hispanic Americans make up nearly one-fifth…
Aug 23
4 min read

Celebrando la Herencia Hispana
Looking for this in English? Check it out here. Cada año, del 15 de septiembre al 15 de octubre, reconocemos y celebramos los logros y contribuciones de los hispanos en todo el mundo. La Bandera Oficial del Pueblo Hispano (código abierto) Para este blog, hemos seleccionado cinco personas hispanas inspiradoras para cada una de nuestras…
Jul 23
12 min read

Celebrate National Hispanic Heritage Month
Buscas esto en espaňol, lo puedes encontra aqui. Each year, from September 15 to October 15, we recognize and celebrate the achievements and contributions of Hispanic people around the world. The Official Flag of the Hispanic People (open Source) For this blog, we’ve picked five inspirational Hispanic people for each of our eight categories to…
Jul 23
11 min read

Pride Month Activities for Students
Why is LGBTQIA+ Pride Month important? Throughout history, members of the LGBTQ+ community have faced discrimination and persecution and have struggled for their basic human rights to be recognized. Although the situation is gradually improving across more liberal parts of the world, bigotry, and misinformation are still rampant. This is evidenced by the sad fact…
Jun 23
5 min read

Mother’s Day Activities for Students
Mother’s Day is practically here. With so many national holidays happening all the time, it can be hard to keep track of them all! As any parent will tell you, being somebody’s mom is a full-time unpaid job with no holiday pay or sick leave available: Being a mother to several people is even more…
Apr 23
5 min read
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