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Exploring the Future of Education

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Blog_The Future of Kami

The Future of Kami | Product Updates

Kami Connect Speaker Sessions | Hengjie Wang2022 has been another year of constantly adapting to a “new normal”, and it’s been inspiring watching you all still strive for the best possible learning experience through it all. We’ve heard firsthand about how you’re feeling in our Wellbeing Report, and it’s clear that teachers need support now…
Feb 22
11 min read
Boosting Accessibility and Inclusion with Kami

Boosting Accessibility and Inclusion with Kami

Kami Connect Speaker Sessions | Michelle Manning Something I love about Kami is the fact that simply by using its most basic tools, you’re making your lessons that much more accessible and inclusive for all students in your lessons.This is so important for providing all students with the opportunity to participate and have a voice…
Feb 22
11 min read
Learning the Kami Basics: The Power of Project-based Learning

The Power of Project-based Learning

Kami Connect Speaker Sessions | Steve Martinez I know that Project-based Learning (PBL) might not be new to all, but for some, it’s a relatively new concept that can seem pretty foreign. Thankfully, it doesn’t have to be – that’s why my two main goals for this piece include explaining how I got started with PBL and…
Feb 22
6 min read
Inclusion in the Classroom

Inclusion in the Classroom

Kami Connect Keynote | Jere Chang In this special mini-episode of Teacher Teacher, we talk to Jere Chang, an Atlanta-based teacher with over 25 years of experience. Follow her viral, inspiring teacher videos on TikTok! [Marcus]Today I am thrilled, I feel included already because I feel like we have one of the Queens of inclusiveness in the…
Feb 22
11 min read
Blog_10 Ways to Kamify your Professional Development

10 Ways to Kami-fy Your Professional Development

Kami Connect Speaker Sessions | Laurie Guyon Kami is a professional learning treasure trove. From the moment participants enter your room or logs into a virtual session, you’ll have them hooked and ready to learn in a matter of seconds! With every upload and new tool discovery, comes the opportunity to build an excited and…
Jul 21
5 min read
Blog_Kami for Blended Classroom

Going Beyond Your Blended Classroom with Kami

Kami Connect Speaker Sessions | Steve Martinez I think we can all agree; one of the biggest challenges around blended learning is establishing an environment that is just as effective out of the classroom as it is in the classroom.   Which is why I love Kami.  Kami provides features that allow us teachers to flex…
Jul 21
5 min read
Blog_Gerry Brooks of Coffee Climate _ Culture

Gerry Brooks on Coffee, Climate & Culture

Kami Connect Keynote Sessions | Gerry Brooks Today, I’m bringing some object lessons. I’m a 24-year veteran educator and I love to teach with objects, because when you use an object to teach, it creates stronger associations back to lessons you’ve learned six, seven, eight months down the road.  So to take you through some…
Jul 21
6 min read
Blog_Kami a STEMtastic Tool

Kami: A STEM-tastic Tool!

Kami Connect Speaker Sessions | Lilly Jensby I’m a firm believer in encouraging students to develop a sustained interest in STEM fields from an early age. So we’re going to take a look into how Kami can enhance the learning experience for students, particularly in the areas of science, technology, engineering, and math! Our goal…
Jul 21
5 min read
Blog_Empower Student Voice and Choice

Empower Student Voice and Choice with Kami

Kami Connect Speaker Sessions | Ben Sondgeroth 21st-century classrooms allow students to learn and express themselves in ways they never could’ve imagined, or as we like to call it – voice and choice. With tech and connectivity comes endless amounts of information in endless forms.  It’s an overwhelming thought to wrangle, but with the right…
Jul 21
4 min read
JereChang Lets Change the world

Jere Chang: Teachers, Let’s Change the World

Kami Connect Keynote Sessions | Jere Chang This back to school season is different than any other, because for most of us, it’s the first time in over a year we’re back in the classroom, and that comes with new challenges. I really wanted to find ways to inspire you teachers who are watching or…
Jul 21
6 min read
Blog_Access Engage and Express with Kami

Access, Engage, and Express with Kami!

What a year it has been! School buildings shut down amid a global pandemic, which forced educators to quickly pivot to flexible learning environments, curriculum, materials, and assessments. Online learning became a reality for schools across the globe. The inequities of providing meaningful access to the internet, to technology, to curriculum shone a necessary light…
Jun 21
4 min read
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