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New Digital Notebook Styles
New Digital Notebook Styles Students use our Digital Notebooks to organize their notes, communicate with their teachers, and revise key content for upcoming tests. Although they’re already super popular, one thing we weren’t offering students is a choice of 15 fun and fresh designs! So we waved our wands and gave our Digital Notebooks a…
Oct 23
2 min read

Halloween Activi-treats!
Have so much fun it’s scary with these Kami classroom resources! If you’re looking for insight on the origins of Halloween, including why we carve pumpkins and go trick-or-treating, check out our Halloween in the Classroom blog. It also includes some spook-tacular learning opportunities for the elementary, middle-school, and high-school classroom. This blog is all about introducing…
Sep 23
2 min read

Halloween in the Classroom
The origins of Halloween Before we look at some of the ways you can have fun celebrating Halloween in your classroom, let’s discover the origins of Halloween and how it came to be such an exciting evening in the calendar. Halloween is one of the United States’ most loved celebrations (roughly 70% of Americans join in the Halloween…
Sep 23
5 min read

Coloring Sheets for Kindergartners
Check out our library of fun coloring worksheets for you to use in your classroom! See these and more in the Kami Library. We know that kids really enjoy coloring activities, but it’s important to remember why coloring activities can offer many benefits for kindergartners’ development. Coloring helps develop: Coloring Activities Gather students together and show them…
Apr 23
5 min read

20 Venn Diagram Templates for Kids
What are Venn Diagrams? A simple Venn diagram (invented by John Venn) is an infographic that has three overlapping circles. Each circle contains unique data points and common shared data in the center. Why use them in your classroom? Venn diagrams can be a useful tool for kids to show and compare sets of data or ideas on…
Apr 23
3 min read

Kindergarten Math Worksheets to Introduce Key Concepts
Introducing math concepts to kindergarten students can be tricky, especially if it’s not your strongest subject! So, because we’ve got your back, we’ve stocked the Kami Library with plenty of templates to help you with your math activities. Some students will have learned to recognize numbers already in pre-k or during homeschool, but others will…
Apr 23
4 min read

Kindergarten Classroom Rules to Help Your Class Run Smoothly
Kindergarten students may be young but, even in the first year of school, it’s still important that they learn to follow some basic rules to help with classroom management and the smooth running of the school day. One of your lesson plans for early in the school year should be about setting some rules for…
Apr 23
5 min read

Kindergarten Activities to Engage and Challenge
The kindergarten class is where children develop key skills that take them from pre–k to elementary school and beyond. Lesson plans for this grade should include a range of activities that cover all the core elements of the curriculum. Because kindergarten students are still quite young (4 to 6-year-olds), it’s a good idea to have…
Apr 23
4 min read

Kindergarten Worksheets for Easy Lesson Planning
There’s a lot to pack into kindergarten classes: literacy, numeracy, science, language, art, and social studies, not to mention helping students develop their social and emotional skills. But don’t panic—we’ve got you covered! The Kami Library has a wide range of free kindergarten worksheets for your lesson plans. Our worksheets are printable, or you can…
Apr 23
3 min read

Running a Successful Kindergarten Class
Did you know that the idea of kindergarten in the United States was first developed in the 1900s when the National Kindergarten Association was set up in New York to promote the idea of a public school kindergarten system? Today, most states across America require school districts to offer either full-day kindergarten or a half-day…
Apr 23
6 min read

Using Cornell Notes for better note–taking
Discover our collection of Cornell Notes templates in the Kami Library. Have you ever looked over your students' notes and wondered how they’ll ever make sense of them? Perhaps while you are teaching, you notice students furiously scribbling away trying to get down every word you say? If you've been looking for a way to introduce your…
Apr 23
5 min read

Spellings for Years 5 and 6
To improve primary school students' spelling, introduce strategies for learning new words. You can create a Key Stage 2 word list for students to practise at home for any in-class spelling tests. The words on the list should cover common spelling errors and important spelling rules. The English language has some difficult words that Key…
Mar 23
6 min read
Discover game-changing templates in the Kami library!
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